Datākora | Business Software

Organize your team,

improve results


Manage your planning outcomes
in real time and through multiple devices!

Protect your planning

through a control system that allows to handle modifications beyond the established deadlines.

Improve team effectiveness

by delivering and monitoring a clearly defined work plan.

Anticipate your planning

in the face of unexpected changes, reallocate responsibilities and adjust scopes.

Check your performance

by assessing the effectiveness of your teams in real time.

Identify areas of improvement

during the execution of your work plan, strengthen team development and aim for continuous betterment.

Configure your notifications

to always keep you in the loop with regards to achievements and actions that need to be taken.

Business Benefits

  • Standardizes the measuring of performance within the company
  • Builds management based on solid facts and data
  • Aligns work teams with your business’ strategy
  • Promotes the development of high-performance teams
  • Facilitates the adoption of changes within the organization
  • Reduces uncertainty among work teams
  • Produces a common language that contributes to goal achievement

Mobile App

Available for Android and iOS

About Datākora

Decision-making is the backbone of any business activity. Leaders define strategies and manage operations by evaluating a large number of factors so as to achieve the perfect balance between risk and reward.

Datākora is a tool that is designed for the planning, management and control of companies’ resources. It enables a work route that ensures the direction of efforts towards the achievement of goals.

Datākora provides you with an information system that facilitates decision-making and increasing your effectiveness.